Roxana Lawton

Lead Project Manager – Manchester Metropolitan University

Roxy is an Enterprise Fellow, HEA Fellow and joined the Centre for Enterprise in February 2016. Roxy works across a series of programmes to support leadership, innovation, business growth, business start-up and entrepreneurship and has worked within this space for over 16 years.

Roxy currently teaches on one of or units Responsible Enterprise, the unit explores both UK and global responsible enterprise, exploring the context of UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable development, looking at different types of businesses, traditional MNC, not-for-profit and social enterprises and how they can utilise Alter’s (2007) sustainability spectrum. The role of government in society, and how this impacts on businesses. Human Rights and Ethics, responsible enterprise across supply chains.   With Roxy’s wealth of business engagement she is also able to provide context of how this is practically applied to businesses and is able to provide examples of what business are doing to address these challenges. Roxy is very well informed on nationally and regional policies and projects that support these agendas and therefore can provide further context with her teaching.

Roxy is also the Project Manager for the ERDF Greater Manchester Cyber Foundry programme, which is a research and innovation programme, with a partnership between Manchester Metropolitan University as the lead, Lancaster University, The University of Manchester and The University of Salford.

Since 2016, Roxy joined the Centre for Enterprise to develop and establish three of our ERDF programmes to support SME’s within the Greater Manchester and Cheshire and Warrington region. She was then appointed as the Project Manager for the Cheshire and Warrington Business Growth Programme,

which supported a range of business start-up, early inception businesses, and more established businesses across the Cheshire and Warrington region. Roxy lead on the delivery for the programme and successfully engage with over 200 business start-up and SME’s within the region.

Roxy has teaching and learning experience, programme design and development, business support, project management and delivery, within a higher education context.

Prior to this, Roxy has project managed the development of apprenticeship frameworks within a number of sectors mainly construction and the nuclear sector. She has been involved in programmes since her early career to support learning, development and skills for over 16 years.

Roxy is currently undertaking her MBA and graduated from University of Manchester in 2003 with a BA (Hons) in Religion and Theology, and gained her Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice in 2017.